Anyway, today was really busy. I went to work, which went well again, and then I had to head back to Duke for a Latin exam. I studied a lot for that exam, so I certainly hope that it's reflected in my grade! After my exam, Jordan and Rebecca convinced me to go to the mall with them, and the rest is history. As for this weekend, I have far too much to do to enjoy Duke's homecoming festivities. I have 2 papers (3-5 pages and 7-10 pages) and a test for this coming week. The worst part of it is, though, that I'm coming down with a cold or something. My throat has been hurting, my nose has been stuffing up, and there's a lot of pressure in my right ear, which makes swallowing extra painful. I can't afford to be sick! Now is definitely not the time. What a thriller.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I just got back from going to Southpoint with Jordan and Rebecca, where we shopped a bit, ate at the Cheesecake Factory, and then went to the Halloween store, where a group of people were performing "Thriller" with a little boy Michael Jackson. It was awesome. We thought that we were ready to leave until we were convinced to learn the "Thriller" dance with the other people in the store. We looked retarded, I'm sure, but we had a blast. Plus, we only stayed to learn half of the dance. It's so hard!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Home Yet Again
This past weekend, I went home again. I was planning on staying, but Jordan went home, and there was really nothing keeping me here, so I decided I'd just make the drive. We went to Waffle House when I got there, and the rest of the weekend was just really relaxed. This week hasn't been bad so far, but I have a Latin exam Friday and then 2 papers (3-5 pages and 7-10 pages) and a test next week. The good news is that it will be fall break after that. Still, it's not gonna be fun. I'm already really stressed out about it.
Last Friday, I worked at the mental hospital for the first time. I had a really good experience, actually. I started out at the school for adolescents with behavioral disorders, and then I went to the school for adolescents with mental disorders. In both cases, I really felt like I was making a difference. The kids were really receptive to the fact that I was trying to help them, and the two boys I worked with in the afternoon both drew me pictures to put up in my room. It was really rewarding, and I hope I'll get to work with some of the same kids, as well as some new ones. I only had boys on Friday, so I'd like to work with some girls, too.
Right now, I'm sitting at my desk and watching the rain pour outside. We just got a little bit of hail, actually. It's pretty cool being on the 5th floor and watching the weather. Climbing all these stairs has also helped me tone up a bit, especially in my legs. Since my parents have seen me every weekend so far, they've noticed the difference in my leg muscles as it has happened. There are benefits to living up in this tower. I really do love it.
I have the two most precious second cousins ever, and there's another one on the way! It's a girl! That means Helen will have a perfect playmate! I hope Edmund doesn't get left out! Of course, he'll probably become a total ladies' man and be right there with the girls. My current desktop picture is super-cute. I just put two pictures beside each other, and it makes me so happy when I look at it! Here it is. Aren't they both absolutely precious!?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Helen Elizabeth & Home
I went home again this past weekend to see my new second cousin, the precious Helen Elizabeth Klauder. As soon as I got home on Friday, I hopped in the car with my parents and headed to the hospital. Mary and Ben looked great and so happy, and Helen was sound asleep. She's absolutely gorgeous! I held her the whole time we were there, and she just looked so angelic. Her features are perfect, and she's just a doll. It was hard to leave the hospital because she made me want to take off a year of school and become Mary's nanny, but we had to leave eventually. I can't wait to see her again.
As for this week, it shouldn't be too busy. In fact, I only had one class today because my adolescent psych professor was sick. I slept in until 11:30, got up, and read some more of my new Nicholas Sparks novel, The Last Song. It's really good so far, except that it reminds me a lot of Life As A House, and except that Miley Cyrus has been cast as the lead for the book-based movie. I don't think I'll like the movie, but the male lead is pretty hot, so I might like it after all. Minus Miley, of course. On Friday, I start working at the mental hospital, so I'm pretty excited. I went to orientation for it last week, and we were told about how we should act around the patients. We were also told about some special patients they have, one of whom believes she is married to Barack Obama and he will be calling the hospital soon to have her released, and another who thinks he's Jesus and they're trying to crucify him. Luckily, I'll be working with the kids and adolescents, so I don't think I'll run into many of the super-crazy ones. From 11:00 to 11:45, I'll be doing P.E. with some kids who have behavioral problems, I'll take a break, and then from 1:00 to 2:00, I'll be tutoring and interacting with kids who have mental illnesses. Should be a loaded day, especially since I have Latin at 3:05 on Fridays, too. I think it'll be a good experience, though.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Weekend Home
Not much has gone on since my last entry, but I went home this past weekend since Sarah was flying back to UCLA on Saturday. Saturday was excellent, I must say. We all woke up early and left at 9:00 to go see 500 Days of Summer, which is an awesome movie. It was my second time seeing it, as well as Sarah's. Marold and Gene hadn't seen it before but loved it. Gene even said that it was extraordinary! What a big word for Gene! Afterwards, we ate at Cracker Barrel and then dropped Sarah off at the airport. My new laptop has been having so many problems, so instead of computing all Saturday night, Marold and I watched the Lifetime movies Hush and Cradle of Lies, which are both favorites of mine. We also played some Chinese checkers and cards. One game of Battle lasted an hour and 15 minutes. It was excruciating. On Sunday, we went to church and then out to Waffle House for lunch. After a nap, I headed back to Duke at 4:30, and now here I am. I'm going to grab a bite to eat with Megan in a few minutes, and Gene will be in Raleigh on business this Wednesday. This means that I will hopefully get my new laptop back and in much better condition. I'm having to use the old one, but at least I have one!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Not much has happened over the past 2 days. Andrew won't respond to my texts even though they're nice, but I'm really not as torn up as I thought I would be. It's just gotten to the point where I know how to deal with this recurring situation now. I'm strong. Jordan and Rebecca have been amazing, too. They've invited me to sleep over on their futon and everything, just so that I won't have any time to think about the whole ordeal. I've declined, though, because I can think about it with no problems. I cried Saturday when it all happened, but I haven't shed a tear about it since. Sure, I hope everything works out. I still want to be friends with him, and we have a class together, so I don't want things to be awkward. If he tells me that we can't be friends, I still want to at least be on good terms. We'll see what happens if he ever decides to respond.
As for classes, things are pretty good. I'll soon be signing up to volunteer at a mental hospital for my adolescent psych class service requirement. There are a lot of options for tutoring kids after school and everything, but I really want to work at the mental hospital. I think I need to see what goes on there before I decide what I want to do with my major. The professor said that a lot of these kids have such powerful mental illnesses that they're drugged most of the time, and I want to see what that's like. Not to be morbid or anything, but that's so fascinating to me. And if there's anything I can do to make the slightest difference for one of them just by being there and talking to him or her, I'll be delighted.
Well, I suppose I'm off to bed now. I'm reading this Nora Roberts novel that I got when Sarah and I went to Barnes and Noble the other night. It's a volume of three of her books, and I'm currently reading Tonight & Always. It's good so far, but it's not my favorite of hers. It might surprise me though. I'm only 73 pages in! Oh, one more thing. Happy Due Date, Mary! Although, I suppose the due date ended 45 minutes ago.
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