Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Not much has happened over the past 2 days. Andrew won't respond to my texts even though they're nice, but I'm really not as torn up as I thought I would be. It's just gotten to the point where I know how to deal with this recurring situation now. I'm strong. Jordan and Rebecca have been amazing, too. They've invited me to sleep over on their futon and everything, just so that I won't have any time to think about the whole ordeal. I've declined, though, because I can think about it with no problems. I cried Saturday when it all happened, but I haven't shed a tear about it since. Sure, I hope everything works out. I still want to be friends with him, and we have a class together, so I don't want things to be awkward. If he tells me that we can't be friends, I still want to at least be on good terms. We'll see what happens if he ever decides to respond.

As for classes, things are pretty good. I'll soon be signing up to volunteer at a mental hospital for my adolescent psych class service requirement. There are a lot of options for tutoring kids after school and everything, but I really want to work at the mental hospital. I think I need to see what goes on there before I decide what I want to do with my major. The professor said that a lot of these kids have such powerful mental illnesses that they're drugged most of the time, and I want to see what that's like. Not to be morbid or anything, but that's so fascinating to me. And if there's anything I can do to make the slightest difference for one of them just by being there and talking to him or her, I'll be delighted.

Well, I suppose I'm off to bed now. I'm reading this Nora Roberts novel that I got when Sarah and I went to Barnes and Noble the other night. It's a volume of three of her books, and I'm currently reading Tonight & Always. It's good so far, but it's not my favorite of hers. It might surprise me though. I'm only 73 pages in! Oh, one more thing. Happy Due Date, Mary! Although, I suppose the due date ended 45 minutes ago.

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