Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Not much has happened since my last post, but today was kind of a big deal.  We're slowly weaning me off the pain medication, and I no longer take any drugs at 3:00 AM, which makes sleeping a lot easier.  I can tell that the pain is lessening, and I'm getting stronger every day.  Things seem to be going really well overall.  That's why I agreed when my dad asked me if I wanted to go on a walk around the block today.  After I made it past the driveway, I was already starting to get pretty out of breath, but I really wanted to make it the whole way.  However, about a quarter of the way around, things started to get a little fuzzy, and I told my dad that we needed to stop.  All the sounds of the outdoors got muffled, and my vision just kind of started to leave me.  I told my dad I was about to pass out, and I went limp and collapsed in his arms, but he managed to help me sit down on the curb.  From there, I just fell backwards and lay down for a few minutes in the neighbor's yard until I felt strong enough to turn around.  It was pretty scary, but I was only out for a matter of seconds.  I'm glad I told him we needed to stop when I did because I would've landed on the pavement otherwise.  When we made it back inside our house, I lay down on the sofa and just relaxed until Mother came home.

A little while after my mom got home, I took another shower, and she once again shaved my legs for me, but that shower was almost as exhausting as taking that walk earlier.  I had to lie down immediately afterwards.  I wish I could shower more often, but I just can't yet, and it's so hard to wash my hair when I can only face the shower head-on for no more than ten minutes now.  At least I'm clean.  It makes me feel a lot better just to know that.  After the shower, my bandage was pretty much almost off, so my dad just went ahead and pulled it all the way off.  It's an odd sensation having my clothes touch the scar!  I keep feeling like my back is going to split open now that the bandage is gone, even though I know that the bandage wasn't what was holding it together.  Soon enough, I'll get used to this new sensation.

Well, I'm pretty much exhausted after my over-exertion today, so I have no doubt that I'll be in bed fairly soon.  I think I'm even going to sleep upstairs in my own bed tonight instead of the guest bedroom.  I'm just ready to get all back to normal.  I'm tired of being weak and having to have everyone else do everything for me.  Patience is not my strong suit, but this recovery is sure making me work on it!

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