Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Fantastic Birthday

I'm 20.  I have been since this morning.  It's been a great day despite the fact that I'm officially no longer a teenager.  I went to bed really late last night or really early this morning, whichever way you want to look at it, but I wrote my parents a note to wake me up so I could have breakfast with them.  We had a special breakfast of chocolate sprinkle-covered doughnuts with coffee, hung out in the den for a while, and then I opened my presents.  The cats gave me some recordable DVDs and CDs, which I desperately need, and my mother wrapped a picture of a webcam and a new laptop from her and my father.  I'm so excited!  I'm gonna need Andrew's help picking out the proper webcam and laptop, of course, but it's gonna be great.  I've never had a webcam, and I can't wait to be able to better communicate with people this summer or on breaks from school! As for the laptop, it's a must.  My laptop will be dead within the next six months, I predict.  When your computer starts rearranging your desktop icons while it's turned off, and you have to bang it every five minutes to keep it working, something's terribly wrong.  Plus, the fan is defective, causing insane overheating, and the hard drive makes a clicking noise. Andrew has also discovered that something within this crazy machine is sucking up all the memory, and he doesn't know what.  I don't have much installed on it, but I have next to no memory left.  Needless to say, a new laptop will be perfect.

After I opened my presents, I needed a nap since I had only gotten about four hours of sleep.  If my back would have allowed me to go to church, I would've gone, but I just don't think that those pews would have made my spine too happy this morning.  As is usual for me, I slept for longer than I planned and woke up just in time to get a gift for Olivia and head out to her pool party to hang out with Abby.  It was a lot of fun getting to see all the little kids and Abby's whole family again, but it was exhausting because I stood for about a solid forty-five minutes.  I was dying to swim, too, but I can't yet.  I wore a new outfit, though.  A cute racerback tunic top and capri pants!  Today was my first time wearing any sort of pants since the surgery, so there's a milestone for you.  When Mumphy and Deefle came to pick me up, we headed to Harmanco's for a birthday supper.  I got sweet tea, a club sandwich, and chips, and I've got leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.  We came home and relaxed for a while, and then I persuaded the parental units to take me to Sonic for some late-night ice cream.  A banana split really hit the spot.

Right now, I'm lying on the sofa watching Whose Line and enjoying the last few minutes of my birthday.  It's been a good one, and, as always, I'm sad to see it end.  I have so much to look forward to, though.  I get to pick out a new laptop and webcam, and I've got a lot of birthday money to spend whenever I feel like going on a major shopping trip.  I guess being 20 isn't so bad after all.


  1. What a fabulous birthday! And I promise - you are going to LOVE your 20's! And you must give me some info on that webcam as we want to get one too - and if Andrew has a recommendation - we would love to hear about it! Happy first full day of being 20!

  2. GET A MAC. Awesome, creative laptop + webcam in one!
