Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No Tylenol

I've made it two days without any medication now, not even Tylenol. I've not had too much happen in that time either. Yesterday, I walked a half a mile on the treadmill while Mumphy and I watched our soaps. I took a shower, fixed my hair, and then Mumphy and I went to Harris Teeter to buy some ingredients for cooking in my old Ronco Showtime Rotisserie and BBQ. I love that machine. I had to text Matt and tell him that I was about to cook in it because we both used to be addicted to the infomercials. I must confess that I still watch them every once in awhile. He texted back and reminded me not to forget to use the flavor injector! I was going to make salmon steaks, but Harris Teeter was out of them, so honey mustard chicken had to suffice. It was good, but I was disappointed about not getting to cook the salmon. The most important part of the evening was being able to say, "Just set it... And forget it!" I can't say it enough: I love that machine.

We came into the den after supper and watched some pretty good Lifetime movies. Since about Christmas break, I've been making a list of all the Lifetime movies I can remember seeing. It's not even halfway complete because I don't know the names of a lot of them, and I have to rely on commercials for upcoming showings to jog my memory, but I have 75 so far. Sad? I wouldn't call it that. I would call it glorious. I stayed up until about 3:00 and read some of The Night Lives On, since I finished A Night to Remember last week. I've read both books a billion times, but they're so good. I woke up at about 8:30 this morning, but then I fell back asleep and didn't get up until 1:00. I watched Lifetime movies and just messed around on the computer, and then I took a nap at about 7:00. When I got up, I watched America's Got Talent with the family, and now I'm watching Will and Grace, one of my favorite shows. Once you have a gay best friend, that show makes so much sense. It's so scarily accurate. Well, maybe tomorrow will be more eventful. Today was lame.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that you are making a list of the Lifetime movies you have seen! I can't wait to take a look at it! You must share! And are you keeping up with Y&R? I am about 5 episodes behind right now but plan to do some major catching up this evening when I get home from work. I have had a crazy first part of the week with no TV time in the evenings - so I am ready for a little R&R (make that Y&R) this evening....
